Configuring and Administering ColdFusion 9

Use multiple server instances for application isolation

  1. Create a separate server instance by using the instructions in Defining additional server instances. If you are using the built-in web server, proceed to step 6 in this procedure.

  2. Using your web-server-specific method, create a virtual website (or separate website) for the application.

    For more information, see Multihoming, or consult your web server documentation.

  3. Test each virtual website to ensure that HTML pages are served correctly.

  4. Store the ColdFusion files of your application, in the ColdFusion web application root (recommended for application portability) or the web root of the virtual website.

  5. Follow the instructions for your web server to configure the connection between your virtual website and the server instance. For more information, see Web server configuration for application isolation.

  6. Test your application.

  7. Repeat these steps for each server instance.